Mr. Jan-Willem Rambouts is a manager that hugely inspires me. He is the Global Director of Product Management (part of Leadership Team) at Centrica Business Solutions since Sep 25th, 2018. He was the co-founder and CEO of REstore, Belgium's leading cleantech company, from 2010 to Sep 25th 2018. Currently, He is also an Entrepreneur in Residence at Vlerick Business School where he offers guest lectures and coaching sessions. REstore, Belgium's fastest growing tech company in 2016, was acquired by Centrica in November 2017. Centrica is the UK's largest energy company, and Centrica Business Solutions is its business unit focused on all of the B2B business in the distributed energy sector. From experience in leading global banks (Goldman Sachs) to life as entrepreneur (REstore) and to being part of leadership of business unit (Centrica), Jan-Willem has broad experience in innovation, post-acquisition organizational design and integration and leadership.
Mr. Rambouts is more of a transformational leader. I have observed him to exude more than just the charismatic leadership style as he attempts to instill in his followers the ability to question not only established rules but also those views held by him - the leader. He started off as an entrepreneur and I would bet to think that the visionary leadership style I’ve also noticed him depict helped him a great deal in his business endeavors. His visions as a young entrepreneur and now as a global production manager at Centrica Business Solutions, which I’ve inquired of over the years I’ve known him, were properly selected and implemented. They’re so energizing that they, in effect, jump-starts the future by calling forth the skills, talents, and resources to make them happen. Just like Jan-Willem, I would like to start off as an entrepreneur in the world of business, with strong hopes of success. This, however, does not mean that I wouldn’t work for a while in other people’s establishments, as I earlier mentioned in my reflection on leadership, till I am fully ready and have gathered enough resources to invest on my brand. As a side business, I already own a small-scale hair salon (an entrepreneurial venture). (Robbins, DeCenzo, & Coulter, 2017) (CentricaBusinessSolutions, 2018)